Voluntary AD&D Insurance

This plan covers loss of life, limb, hearing, sight, speech, and other losses, including life, due to an accident. There is coverage for both you and/or your eligible dependents. This coverage is guaranteed and does not require a medical questionnaire.

Cost Share:

Up to:Monthly PayrollBi-Weekly Payroll
$100,000 Employee only$2.50 per month$1.15 per pay
$100,000 Employee, $50,000 spouse/equivalent, and/or $10,000 per child$4.20 per month$1.94 per pay

*"Dependents" are:

  • The employee's a spouse/spousal equivalent
  • Unmarried child(ren) who meet the following requirements:
    • A child 6 months of age but less than 19 years old;
    • A child who is 19 or more years old but less than 24 years old, enrolled in a school as a full-time student and primarily supported by the Employee;
    • A child who is 19 or more years old, primarily supported by the Employee and incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of a mental or physical handicap. (Proof of the child's condition and dependence must be submitted to the Insurance Company within 31 days after the date the child ceases to qualify as a Dependent for reasons 1 or 2 listed above.)

      The term "child" means a child born to or legally adopted by the employee. The term includes a child during any waiting period prior to the finalization of the child's adoption. It also means a stepchild, including a Spousal Equivalent’s child, living with and financially dependent upon the Employee.

Employees may not cover spouses/partners who are also employees of the University. If both parents work for the University, children cannot have duplicate policies by being covered by each parent.